Makanan khas Pontianak ini, terbuat dari udang dan dibungkus dengan kulit lumpia ini, sangat lezat sekali. Hekeng ini biasanya ditawarkan dengan harga Rp. 11.000/ptg.
This typical food of Pontianak, made from shrimp and spring rolls wrapped in leather, very delicious. Hekeng is usually offered at a price of Rp. 11,000 / piece.
a. 1 kg udang dikupas, cincang.
b. 1/4 kg (minyak) babi dicincang
c. 5 butir kuning telur
d. 3 butir putih telur
e. 6 sdm terigu
f. 1 sdt chuan ciau ditumbuk lalu disaring
g. garam
h. lada
i. micin (MSG)
j. daun bawang
Cara Membuat :
a. Semua bahan dicampur menjadi satu
b. Digulung dengan kembang tahu yang lebar
c. Lalu dikukus
d. Setelah dingin dipotong serong
e. Goreng
f. Angkat, hidangkan.
a. 1 kg of peeled shrimp, chopped.
b. 1 / 4 kg (oil) chopped pork
c. 5 egg yolks
d. 3 items egg white
e. 6 tablespoons flour
f. 1 teaspoon crushed and then sieved chuan ciau
g. salt
h. pepper
i. micin (MSG)
j. scallions
How to make:
a. All the ingredients are mixed into one
b. Curd rolled with a wide
c. then steamed
d. Once cool cut oblique
e. fried
f. Remove and serve.
a. 1 kg of peeled shrimp, chopped.
b. 1 / 4 kg (oil) chopped pork
c. 5 egg yolks
d. 3 items egg white
e. 6 tablespoons flour
f. 1 teaspoon crushed and then sieved chuan ciau
g. salt
h. pepper
i. micin (MSG)
j. scallions
How to make:
a. All the ingredients are mixed into one
b. Curd rolled with a wide
c. then steamed
d. Once cool cut oblique
e. fried
f. Remove and serve.
1 komentar:
daun bawang berapa ikat??
dan dikukus berapa lama??
Chuan Ciau itu apa??
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