a. Atur pola makan
Pilih padi-padian, buah, dan sayuran organik. Hindari makanan olahan, batasi garam, ganti daging penuh lemak dengan ikan atau daging putih tanpa lemak.
b. Jaga pencernaan
Tambahkan konsumsi probiotik, prebiotik, dan makanan kaya serat. Cara ini juga baik untuk mengurangi efek buruk pestisida yang ada pada makanan.
c. Berhenti merokok
Hasil studi yang dipublikasikan oleh American Physiological Society pada tahun 2007 menyimpulkan bahwa nikotin merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan gangguan ginjal.
d. Hindari Alkohol
Konsumsi alkohol yang berlebihan dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah, salah satu masalah yang bisa berujung pada gangguan ginjal. Juga membuat orang sering berkemih sehingga berisiko mengalami dehidrasi.
e. Banyak minum air putih dan rajin berolahraga
Minum air sedikitnya 6-8 gelas air putih sehari. Jangan malas berolahraga. Jalan kaki 4-5 kali seminggu cukup untuk membantu menjaga kesehatan detak jantung, yang juga baik untuk ginjal Anda.
a. Adjust your diet
Choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables organically. Avoid processed foods, limit salt, replace full-fat meat with fish or white meat without fat.
b. Keep the digestive
Add the consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber-rich foods. It is also a good way to reduce the adverse effects of pesticides on food.
c. quit smoking
The study, published by the American Physiological Society in 2007 concluded that nicotine is the main factor leading to kidney disorders.
d. Avoid Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the problems that can lead to renal impairment. Also make people urinate frequently so that the risk of dehydration.
e. Drink plenty of water and diligent exercise
Drinking water for at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Do not be lazy to exercise. Walking 4-5 times a week is enough to help maintain a healthy heart rate, which is also good for your kidneys.
Choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables organically. Avoid processed foods, limit salt, replace full-fat meat with fish or white meat without fat.
b. Keep the digestive
Add the consumption of probiotics, prebiotics, and fiber-rich foods. It is also a good way to reduce the adverse effects of pesticides on food.
c. quit smoking
The study, published by the American Physiological Society in 2007 concluded that nicotine is the main factor leading to kidney disorders.
d. Avoid Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the problems that can lead to renal impairment. Also make people urinate frequently so that the risk of dehydration.
e. Drink plenty of water and diligent exercise
Drinking water for at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Do not be lazy to exercise. Walking 4-5 times a week is enough to help maintain a healthy heart rate, which is also good for your kidneys.
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