a. Jangan merokok jenis apapun
Dr Edelman menuturkan tidak ada batas yang aman ketika seseorang merokok, dan semakin sering ia merokok maka risiko paru-parunya menjadi rusak akan semakin besar. Hal ini tidak hanya sebatas rokok saja, tapi juga mencakup cerutu atau ganja yang bisa membahayakan paru-paru.
b. Menjaga udara tetap bersih
Udara yang bersih akan mengurangi risiko paru-paru terpapar benda asing dari luar yang bisa merusaknya. Untuk itu hindari penggunaan kendaraan bermotor dan menghentikan kebiasaan membakar kayu atau sampah. Serta mewaspadai ancaman polusi udara dari lingkungan.
c. Melakukan olahraga
Semakin baik kebugaran kardiorespirasi seseorang maka akan semakin mudah bagi paru-paru untuk menjaga jantung dan otot yang mensuplai oksigen. Selain itu olahraga teratur sangat penting dan membantu bagi orang berpenyakit paru-paru kronis.
d. Meningkatkan udara di dalam ruangan
Udara di dalam ruangan juga bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan paru-paru, seperti karpet yang tidak bersih, penyegar ruangan dengan bahan kimia berbahaya, penggunaan lilin berlebihan atau adanya pengerjaan bangunan. Untuk itu berikan ventilasi yang baik untuk ruangan dan mengurangi sumber-sumber yang berpengaruh terhadap paru-paru.
e. Mengonsumsi makanan yang tepat
Ada bukti bahwa makanan yang kaya akan antioksidan merupakan sumber yang baik untuk paru-paru. Dr Edelman menuturkan semua sayuran bagus, tapi sayuran berdaun hijau memiliki banyak antioksidan dan memiliki efek perlindungan. Sumber ini sebaiknya berasal dari makanan dan bukan suplemen.
f. Menggunakan alat pelindung diri saat bekerja
Banyak pekerjaan yang menempatkan pekerjanya pada risiko masalah di paru-paru, seperti pekerja konstruksi hingga penata rambut. Untuk itu kenakan alat pelindung diri misalnya dengan masker yang disesuaikan dengan jenis pekerjaannya sehingga bisa menghalangi masuknya partikel ke tubuh.
a. Do not smoke any type of
Dr. Edelman said there is no safe limit when a person smokes, and the more often he smoked his lungs, then the risk to be damaged will be even greater. It is not only limited to cigarettes, but also includes a cigar or marijuana can harm the lungs.
b. Keeping the air clean
Clean air will reduce the risk of lung exposed to foreign objects from the outside that could ruin it. For that avoid the use of a motor vehicle and stop the habit of burning wood or trash. And wary of the threat of air pollution of the environment.
c. exercise
The better cardiorespiratory fitness person the easier it is for the lungs to keep the heart and the muscles that supply oxygen. Besides regular exercise is very important and helpful for people chronically diseased lungs.
d. Improving indoor air
Indoor air can also affect the health of the lungs, such as the carpet is not clean, air fresheners with hazardous chemicals, excessive use of candles or the workmanship of the building. For that give good ventilation for the room and reduce the resources that affect the lungs.
e. Eating the right foods
There is evidence that a diet rich in antioxidants are good sources for the lungs. Dr. Edelman said all the good vegetables, but leafy green vegetables have lots of antioxidants and has a protective effect. This source should come from food rather than supplements.
f. Using personal protective equipment when working
Many jobs that put workers at risk for lung problems, such as construction workers to hairdressers. For that wear personal protective equipment such as a mask tailored to the type of work that may hinder the entry of particles into the body.
Dr. Edelman said there is no safe limit when a person smokes, and the more often he smoked his lungs, then the risk to be damaged will be even greater. It is not only limited to cigarettes, but also includes a cigar or marijuana can harm the lungs.
b. Keeping the air clean
Clean air will reduce the risk of lung exposed to foreign objects from the outside that could ruin it. For that avoid the use of a motor vehicle and stop the habit of burning wood or trash. And wary of the threat of air pollution of the environment.
c. exercise
The better cardiorespiratory fitness person the easier it is for the lungs to keep the heart and the muscles that supply oxygen. Besides regular exercise is very important and helpful for people chronically diseased lungs.
d. Improving indoor air
Indoor air can also affect the health of the lungs, such as the carpet is not clean, air fresheners with hazardous chemicals, excessive use of candles or the workmanship of the building. For that give good ventilation for the room and reduce the resources that affect the lungs.
e. Eating the right foods
There is evidence that a diet rich in antioxidants are good sources for the lungs. Dr. Edelman said all the good vegetables, but leafy green vegetables have lots of antioxidants and has a protective effect. This source should come from food rather than supplements.
f. Using personal protective equipment when working
Many jobs that put workers at risk for lung problems, such as construction workers to hairdressers. For that wear personal protective equipment such as a mask tailored to the type of work that may hinder the entry of particles into the body.
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