a. Jangan Merokok
Merokok akan merusak sirkulasi kecil dalam kulit, sehingga membuat kulit kelihatan kusam dan tidak cerah. Akan menambah keriput pada kulit, terutama pada kulit di sekitar mulut.
b. Diet seimbang
Diet dengan makanan sehat secara seimbang, mengandung banyak sayuran dan buah untuk memenuhi kecukupan vitamin, mineral dan anti oksidan.
c. Olahraga
Olahraga yang teratur akan membuat kulit sehat dan berat badan yang ideal.
d. TIdur yang cukup
Tidur sangat diperlukan untuk memperbaiki sel-sel tubuh yang rusak, termasuk sel-sel kulit. Membuat kulit dan tubuh kembali segar.
e. Kurangi konsumsi alkohol
Konsumsi alkohol yang berlebihan juga dapat merusak hati.
f. Lindungi dari sinar matahari
Bahaya dari sinar matahari ialah sinar ultraviolet A yang dipancarkannya, yang dapat merusak jaringan kolagen kulit. Kulit akan menipis dan mudah untuk terjadi keriput.
g. Atasi stres
Stres selain dapat merusak kesehatan, juga akan berpengaruh pada wajah dan bentuk tubuh anda.
a. Do not Smoke
Smoking will damage the small circulation in the skin, making skin look dull and not bright. Will add wrinkles to the skin, especially on the skin around the mouth.
b. A balanced diet
Diet with a healthy balanced diet, containing lots of vegetables and fruits to meet the adequacy of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants.
c. sport
Regular exercise will make the skin healthy and ideal body weight.
d. Enough sleep
Sleep is necessary to repair cells damaged body, including skin cells. Make your skin and body refreshed.
e. Reduce alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can also damage the liver.
f. Protect from sunlight
Dangers of sunlight is ultraviolet A rays it emits, which can damage skin tissue collagen. The skin will be thinner and easier to occur wrinkles.
g. overcome stress
Stress can damage other than health, will also affect the face and shape of your body.
Smoking will damage the small circulation in the skin, making skin look dull and not bright. Will add wrinkles to the skin, especially on the skin around the mouth.
b. A balanced diet
Diet with a healthy balanced diet, containing lots of vegetables and fruits to meet the adequacy of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants.
c. sport
Regular exercise will make the skin healthy and ideal body weight.
d. Enough sleep
Sleep is necessary to repair cells damaged body, including skin cells. Make your skin and body refreshed.
e. Reduce alcohol consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption can also damage the liver.
f. Protect from sunlight
Dangers of sunlight is ultraviolet A rays it emits, which can damage skin tissue collagen. The skin will be thinner and easier to occur wrinkles.
g. overcome stress
Stress can damage other than health, will also affect the face and shape of your body.
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