a. Pilih makanan yang tepat
Menyantap makanan bergizi dengan cara diet seimbang akan membuat organ hati berfungsi lebih efisien sehingga berdampak pada kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Selain itu, diet seimbang juga dapat meregenerasi sel-sel hati yang rusak oleh virus hepatitis, sehingga dapat membentuk sel-sel hati baru. Namun, penting juga untuk mengkonsumsi vitamin dan mineral. Tapi ingat, kelebihan vitamin A adalah racun bagi hati.
b. Batasi asupan kalori
Kelebihan kalori dalam bentuk karbohidrat dapat menyebabkan disfungsi hati dan menyebabkan simpanan lemak dalam hati yang menjadikan organ hati berlemak. Tapi lemak tetap diperlukan tubuh, sehingga kadarnya tidak boleh lebih dari 30 persen dari total kalori seseorang, karena akan membahayakan sistem kardiovaskular. Hitung batasan kalori yang anda perlukan. Ingatlah, sedikitnya anda butuh 15 kalori per hari untuk setiap pon berat badan anda.
c. Waspadai minuman beralkohol
Minuman keras, bir dan anggur dapat berpengaruh buruk pada metabolisme organ hati. Sebaiknya, konsumsi alkohol dibatasi karena dapat menyebabkan hepatitis alkoholik dan hepatitis sirosis. Orang-orang dengan penyakit organ hati tidak boleh minum alkohol sama sekali.
d. Waspadai obat herbal
Diet dan pengobatan herbal bisa sangat berbahaya pada organ hati. Tanaman seperti Crotalaria, Senecio dan keluarga Heliotopium, serta Chaparral, mistletoe, kopiah, germander, komprei, minyak margosa, mate tea, teh yerba Gordolobo, pennyroyal, dan Jin Blu Huan terbukti beracun untuk hati. Beberapa studi ilmiah terbaru menyarankan bahwa zat dalam milk thistle dapat melindungi hati dari zat berbahaya seperti acetaminophen, yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan hati.
e. Berhenti merokok. Hindari asap dan cairan beracun.
Asap dari pengencer cat, semprotan serangga, dan semprotan penyegar udara lainnya akan masuk ke pembuluh darah kecil dalam paru-paru dan dibawa ke hati, lalu mengalami detoksifikasi dan dihilangkan di empedu. Karena itu jumlah dan konsentrasi bahan kimia harus dikontrol untuk mencegah kerusakan hati. Pastikan Anda memiliki ventilasi yang baik, menggunakan masker, tutupi kulit Anda, dan bersihkan semua bahan kimia pada kulit Anda dengan sabun dan air sesegera mungkin.
f. Cuci tangan
Tangan harus dicuci dengan sabun dan air setelah buang air besar dan sebelum menyiapkan makanan dan konsumsi. Ini akan membantu mencegah penyebaran hepatitis A.
g. Melakukan seks yang aman
Pakailah kondom saat melakukan hubungan. Hepatitis B dan C dapat ditularkan melalui darah dan cairan tubuh. Hindari berbagi barang pribadi Anda seperti sikat gigi, pisau cukur atau manicure set, terutama jika pasangan Anda menderita penyakit di organ hati.
h. Vaksinasi
Saat ini, vaksinasi hepatitis A dan B sudah tersedia di mana-mana. Program imunisasi untuk hepatitis B juga telah diupayakan untuk semua anak dan orang dewasa. Ternyata, vaksinasi hepatitis B juga sangat penting untuk bayi yang baru lahir karena 90% yang terkena virus ini terkena infeksi kronis. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada vaksinasi yang tersedia untuk hepatitis C.
a. Choose the right food
Eating nutritious food with a balanced diet will make your liver function more efficiently so the impact on overall health. In addition, a balanced diet also can regenerate liver cells damaged by hepatitis viruses, so it can form new liver cells. However, it is important also to take vitamins and minerals. But remember, excess vitamin A is toxic to the liver.
b. Limit your intake of calories
Excess calories in the form of carbohydrates can cause liver dysfunction and lead to fatty deposits in the liver which makes fatty liver. But it still takes body fat, so the measure should not be more than 30 percent of total calories a person, because it would harm the cardiovascular system. Calculate the limit of calories you need. Remember, you at least need 15 calories per day for every pound of your weight.
c. Beware of alcoholic beverages
Liquor, beer and wine can have adverse effect on liver metabolism. Instead, the consumption of alcohol is limited because it can cause alcoholic hepatitis and hepatitis cirrhosis. People with liver disease should not drink alcohol at all.
d. Beware of herbal medicines
Diet and herbal remedies can be very dangerous in the liver. Plants such as Crotalaria, Senecio and family Heliotopium, and Chaparral, mistletoe, skullcap, germander, comfrey, margosa oil, mate tea, yerba Gordolobo, pennyroyal, and Jin Blu Huan proved toxic to the liver. Some recent scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle may protect the liver from harmful substances such as acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage.
e. Stop smoking. Avoid smoke and toxic liquids.
Fumes from paint thinners, insect sprays, and other air freshener sprays will go into the small blood vessels in the lungs and carried to the liver, then experiencing detoxification and eliminated in bile. Because of that amount and concentration of chemicals should be controlled to prevent liver damage. Make sure you have good ventilation, use a mask, cover your skin, and clean all the chemicals on your skin with soap and water as soon as possible.
f. Wash hands
Hands should be washed with soap and water after defecation and before preparing food and consumption. This will help prevent the spread of hepatitis A.
g. Safe sex
Wear a condom during intercourse. Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through blood and body fluids. Avoid sharing personal items such as toothbrushes, razors or manicure sets, especially if your partner is suffering from liver disease.
h. Vaccination
Currently, hepatitis A and B vaccinations are available everywhere. Immunization program for hepatitis B also has strived to all children and adults. Apparently, hepatitis B vaccination is also very important for newborns as 90% are exposed to this virus chronic infection. But until now there is no vaccination available for hepatitis C.
Eating nutritious food with a balanced diet will make your liver function more efficiently so the impact on overall health. In addition, a balanced diet also can regenerate liver cells damaged by hepatitis viruses, so it can form new liver cells. However, it is important also to take vitamins and minerals. But remember, excess vitamin A is toxic to the liver.
b. Limit your intake of calories
Excess calories in the form of carbohydrates can cause liver dysfunction and lead to fatty deposits in the liver which makes fatty liver. But it still takes body fat, so the measure should not be more than 30 percent of total calories a person, because it would harm the cardiovascular system. Calculate the limit of calories you need. Remember, you at least need 15 calories per day for every pound of your weight.
c. Beware of alcoholic beverages
Liquor, beer and wine can have adverse effect on liver metabolism. Instead, the consumption of alcohol is limited because it can cause alcoholic hepatitis and hepatitis cirrhosis. People with liver disease should not drink alcohol at all.
d. Beware of herbal medicines
Diet and herbal remedies can be very dangerous in the liver. Plants such as Crotalaria, Senecio and family Heliotopium, and Chaparral, mistletoe, skullcap, germander, comfrey, margosa oil, mate tea, yerba Gordolobo, pennyroyal, and Jin Blu Huan proved toxic to the liver. Some recent scientific studies suggest that substances in milk thistle may protect the liver from harmful substances such as acetaminophen, which can cause liver damage.
e. Stop smoking. Avoid smoke and toxic liquids.
Fumes from paint thinners, insect sprays, and other air freshener sprays will go into the small blood vessels in the lungs and carried to the liver, then experiencing detoxification and eliminated in bile. Because of that amount and concentration of chemicals should be controlled to prevent liver damage. Make sure you have good ventilation, use a mask, cover your skin, and clean all the chemicals on your skin with soap and water as soon as possible.
f. Wash hands
Hands should be washed with soap and water after defecation and before preparing food and consumption. This will help prevent the spread of hepatitis A.
g. Safe sex
Wear a condom during intercourse. Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through blood and body fluids. Avoid sharing personal items such as toothbrushes, razors or manicure sets, especially if your partner is suffering from liver disease.
h. Vaccination
Currently, hepatitis A and B vaccinations are available everywhere. Immunization program for hepatitis B also has strived to all children and adults. Apparently, hepatitis B vaccination is also very important for newborns as 90% are exposed to this virus chronic infection. But until now there is no vaccination available for hepatitis C.
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